E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 3 Issue 8

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 3; Issue 8; (August 2024)
. Violence against Women in Indian Socio Educational Culture

Sanjib Kumar Haldar

Subject: Sociology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 101 17 ][Pages: 01-03]
. Understanding the Relation between Culture and Identity through a Postcolonial Perspective: A Study of Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’ and Homi K. Bhabha ‘The other Question’

Shivani Pal

Subject: English | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 89 6 ][Pages: 04-07]
. दुष्कर्म का महिलाओं के स्वास्थय, आर्थिक स्थिति पर प्रभाव का हनुमानगढ़ जिले के विशेष संदर्भ में एक समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन

प्रेरणा दाहुजा और डाॅ. सतीश कुमार

Subject: Social Science | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 70 6 ][Pages: 08-12]
. दुष्कर्म से महिलाओं की शारीरिक तथा सामाजिक दशा में परिवर्तन का समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन

प्रेरणा दाहुजा और डाॅ. सतीश कुमार

Subject: Social Science | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 79 5 ][Pages: 13-17]
. மார்க்சிய நோக்கில்-சேர அரசியலின் அரசியல் முன்னகர்வும் அதனூடான பொருளாதார வைதீகக் கலப்பு நிலைகளும்

P Muthusamy

Subject: Tamil | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 75 2 ][Pages: 18-24]
. A Study of Cultural Significance on Women’s Clothing and Fashion in the Present Era (With Reference to Visakhapatnam District)

Dr. P Sree Devi

Subject: Commerce | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 88 5 ][Pages: 25-29]
. Toxic Role of Alcohol is Ongoing Health Issue-A Review

RKN Priyangika, Mukesh Prajapathi, Amol S Kadu, Dinesh Kumawat and Anita Sharma

Subject: Toxicology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 124 6 ][Pages: 30-33]
. Treatment of Erythema Multiforme Induced by Antipyretics-Case Report

Ambika Murari, Rajendragouda Patil, Arjit Vihan, Angshuman Sarma and Paridhi Agarwal

Subject: Oral Medicine | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 94 4 ][Pages: 34-37]
. Machine Learning-Driven Reconfigurable EONs with Neuromorphic Computing for Network Slicing and On-Demand Service Provisioning: A Review and Survey

Avadha Bihari, Ashutosh Kumar Singh and Chandan

Subject: Engineering | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 94 3 ][Pages: 38-43]
. Next-Generation Wireless Communications using Optical and Visible Light

Naresh Kumar Meena, Ashutosh Kumar Singh and Chandan Kumar

Subject: Technology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 86 3 ][Pages: 44-50]