E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 3 Issue 8

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 3; Issue 8; (August 2024)
. Performance Assessment of Space-Time Coding 5G Simulation Network in Mobile Environments

Pradeep Kumar and Parimal Tiwari

Subject: Engineering | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 59 4 ][Pages: 107-111]
. Early Modern Chancelleries: Organizing, Writing, Ordering with an Edition of Chancellery-Regulations from September 7, 1787 in the Prince-Bishopric of Regensburg (Frühmoderne Kanzleigeschäfte: Ordnen, Schreiben, Weisen. Mit Edition der Hochstift Regensburger Kanzleiordnung vom 7. September 1787)

Wolfgang Wüst

Subject: History | Country: Germany

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 77 9 ][Pages: 112-128]
. AI-Powered Defense: Protecting Data in the Digital Age

Pamela Nyatsine

Subject: Technology | Country: Zimbabwe

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 63 3 ][Pages: 129-131]
. An Exploration of the Political-Administrative Written Language of the Holy Roman Empire in the Early Modern Period (Eine Exploration zur Politisch-Administrativen Schriftsprache des Frühneuzeitlichen Reiches)

Wolfgang E.J. Weber

Subject: History | Country: Germany

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 78 7 ][Pages: 132-148]
. நற்றிணை மகளிர் அகக்கோட்பாடு


Subject: Tamil | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 39 3 ][Pages: 149-153]
. किशनगढ़ में मार्बल व्यवसायी का इतिहास व वर्तमान दशा

डॉ. रामस्वरूप साहू, डॉ. भंवर लाल, हेमन्त धवल और डॉ. विजय बाजिया

Subject: Social Science | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 42 3 ][Pages: 154-156]
. Consumer Attitudes and Practices Regarding Contactless Payment Systems Adoption

Dr. Rajkumar Nagarwal

Subject: Commerce | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 58 4 ][Pages: 157-162]
. भारतीय उच्च पुरापाषाणिक संस्कृति के खोज का इतिहास

डॉ. विनोद यादव

Subject: History | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 68 3 ][Pages: 163-166]
. Exploring the Implementation of Heritage-Based Education 5.0 Curriculum in Tertiary Institutions, in Zimbabwe

Alexander Katiyo

Subject: Education | Country: Zimbabwe

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 625 4 ][Pages: 167-178]
. भारताचा जी.डी.पी. आणि वित्तीय तूट पूर्व आणि आज: एक अभ्यास

डॉ. मारोती विठ्ठलराव भोसले

Subject: Economics | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 59 3 ][Pages: 179-182]