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Understanding the Relation between Culture and Identity through a Postcolonial Perspective: A Study of Edward Said’s ‘Orientalism’ and Homi K. Bhabha ‘The other Question’

Author : Shivani Pal

Abstract :

Using the theories of Homi K. Bhabha and Edward Said as a guide, this research explores the link between culture and identity from a postcolonial perspective. The study sheds light on how culture shapes both individual and group identities by defining cultural identity and examining its dynamic relationship with culture. This research looks at the difficulties in constructing identities in postcolonial settings using Bhabha's concepts of hybridity and 'The Other' in conjunction with Said's idea of orientalism. Said and Bhabha's theories support each other's viewpoints on culture and identity when compared. In summarizing the research, the conclusion considers how cultural identity in postcolonial studies is changing.

Keywords :

Culture, identity, hybridity, the other, orientalism, postcolonialism