E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 3 Issue 1

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 3; Issue 1; (January 2024)
. सामान्य और सहशिक्षा नामांकन में महिलाओं के सशक्तिकरण के प्रति श्री गंगानगर जिले के छात्रों के दृष्टिकोण का अध्ययन

डॉ. परविन्द्रजीत सिंह

Subject: Sociology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 105 13 ][Pages: 01-05]
. An Overview of the Literature on Retail Stores in India and Their Marketing Strategy

Dyanel D Costa and Dr. V Basil Hans

Subject: Commerce & Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 165 15 ][Pages: 06-18]
. Adolescent Females: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. V Basil Hans

Subject: Commerce & Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 148 4 ][Pages: 19-29]
. Implementation of Eco-Pesantren in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Nurus Salam Lodoyo Islamic Boarding School Indonesia

Diana Ainu Rofiq, Binti Maunah and Asrop Safi'i

Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 117 3 ][Pages: 30-34]
. Public Relations Management in Improving the Image of the Institution at MTs Unggulan Rohmatul Ummah Mojokerto Indonesia

Muhammad Zainur Rofi’, Akhyak and Sulistyorini

Subject: Education | Country: Indonesia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 128 1 ][Pages: 35-40]
. Contemporary Way of Life and Well-Being

Dr. Deepak Prakash

Subject: English | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 148 5 ][Pages: 41-42]
. R.K. Narayan is a Pure Artist-An Analysis

Dr. Honnegowda CS

Subject: English | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 250 5 ][Pages: 43-44]
. A Study on Impact of Risk and Return Analysis Using Portfolio Performance Techniques

Ms. A Anusha and Dr. RS Ch Murthy Chodisetty

Subject: Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 154 6 ][Pages: 45-51]
. Impact of Dividend Announcement on Share Price Volatility in NSE on Indian Stock Market-with Special Reference to Heidelberg Cement Company-An Empirical Study

Ms. A Raveena and Dr. RS Ch Murthy Chodisetty

Subject: Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 163 3 ][Pages: 52-57]
. Volatility of Share Price in NSE on Indian Stock Market-A Case Study of Ramco Cement Company-An Empirical Study

Ms. M Tejaswee, Dr. RS Ch Murthy Chodisetty and G Vineesh Kumar

Subject: Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 157 2 ][Pages: 58-63]