E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 4 Issue 1

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 4; Issue 1; (January 2025)
. The Monarch’s Funerals in the UK and Republic of Benin Case of Queen Elisabeth II and King Dedjalagni Agoli-Agbo_084509-1

Dr. Hergie Alexis SEGUEDEME

Subject: History | Country: Bénin

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 19 1 ][Pages: 54-58]
. Significance and Importance of Subterranean Architecture for Hot Climates in India

Ar. Syed Zain Mohammed and Dr. Yashaswini Somashekar

Subject: Architecture | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 30 1 ][Pages: 59-72]
. Investor Behavior: A Guide to Understanding Financial Decisions

Dr. Rajkumar Nagarwal and Dr. Mahesh Chand Meena

Subject: Commerce | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 27 1 ][Pages: 73-75]
. An Ayurvedic and Modern Aspects of Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri): An Overview

Khandekar Surekha, Pansare Tabassum, Aughade Agatrao and Bhokare Sneha

Subject: Ayurveda | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 26 2 ][Pages: 76-85]
. Work Life Balance at Hybrid Work: An Employee Perspective

Dr. R Vanadhi and Dr. S Parthiban

Subject: Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 22 2 ][Pages: 86-88]
. Tracing the Palaeolithic Footprints in Western Orissa: Insights and Discoveries

Neena Thakur

Subject: History | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 29 1 ][Pages: 89-99]
. Study on Effect of Urbanization on Biodiversity of Major Avian Fauna of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. Shalini Gupta

Subject: Zoology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 36 1 ][Pages: 100-102]
. Molecular Docking Polifenol Solution of 96% Ethanol Extract of Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana) Leaves with Four Antiaging Enzymes

Dr. Johana Fitriani and Dr. rer.nat.apt. Deni Rahmat

Subject: Pharmacology | Country: Indonesia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 19 3 ][Pages: 103-110]
. A Clinical Study on the Role of Aswagandhadi Yoga in the Management of Sandhivata [Osteoarthritis]

Dr. Debabrata Ghosh, Dr. PC Tripathi and Dr. Shawan Barik

Subject: Ayurveda | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 17 1 ][Pages: 111-119]
. Evaluating the Effect of Kapha Medohar Polyherbal Formulation in the Management of Hypothyroidism: A Pilot Study

Dr. Shraddha Saraf and Dr. Swati Nagpal

Subject: Ayurveda | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 11 1 ][Pages: 120-124]