Evaluating the Effect of Kapha Medohar Polyherbal Formulation in the Management of Hypothyroidism: A Pilot Study
Author : Dr. Shraddha Saraf and Dr. Swati Nagpal
Abstract :
Background: Increased modernization, unhealthy lifestyles and faulty diet are the main factors contributing in disturbed metabolism of body and leads to various lifestyle related endocrine disorders. Hypothyroidism is a condition with hypometabolic clinical state resulting from inadequate production of thyroid hormone for prolonged period. About 42 million people in India is suffering from thyroid disorders. Certain thyroid disorders have detrimental effects on blood pressure, exacerbation of insulin resistance and atrial fibrillations. While understanding the aetiopathogenesis of hypothyroidism in Ayurvedic view, Agni dushti, dhatwagni mandya janya vikruti, kapha vata dosha vruddhi & pitta kshaya due to Agni mandya are conditions suggestive of pathologies involved in hypothyroidism.
Objective: The present study was intended to assess the efficacy of kapha medohr polyherbal formulation in the clinical sign and symptoms and thyroid hormone level of patients suffering with Hypothyroidism.
Materials and Methods: Study was carried in outpatient department of Pt. khushilal Sharma Govt. Ayurvedic hospital Bhopal. Overall, 10 patients were included in the study fulfilling the diagnostic, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Newly diagnosed patients of hypothyroidism presenting with symptoms of weight gain, dry skin, constipation, lethargy, excessive sleep, hair loss and menstrual irregularities were selected for the study. To counteract all these conditions, kapha kaphamedohar polyherbal ghan vati comprising of (varuna, jalkumbhi, vidanga, kanchnar, pippali, marich, shunthi, amalki, haritaki, vibhitaki, sahijan) in dosage of 500 mg each vati was given twice daily before meal for duration of 60 days.
Result: After 2 months of treatment the patient shows significant response on reduction of serum TSH level. The mean score of S.TSH, before treatment was 7.98 and after treatment it was reduced to 4.49 with percentage relief of 43% which was extremely significant. Also there was significant improvement in almost all signs and symptoms with maximum relief in dryness, constipation and weight gain.
Conclusion: The present cases of hypothyroidism has been successfully treated with effective Ayurvedic treatment regimen. Herbal formulation showed statistically significant result without any complication.
Keywords :
Hypothyroidism, Agnimandya, kapha medohar polyherbal formulation.