A Clinical Study on the Role of Aswagandhadi Yoga in the Management of Sandhivata [Osteoarthritis]
Author : Dr. Debabrata Ghosh, Dr. PC Tripathi and Dr. Shawan Barik
Abstract :
Disorders of the vata dosa are prevalent throughout the world, affecting all ages and ethnic groups. The principal manifestations are pain and impairment of locomotor function affecting a quarter of all general practitioner consultations. In later life, vata roga are the single most important factor including disability and so have a major impact on health and social service resources. As there is growing participation of the population in sports, it is important to note that there is an increasing trend of Osteoarthritis at a young age. According to Ayurveda the vatakara aharas and viharas causes triggering of vata dosa. Due to being overweight of the body, weight-bearing joints especially knee joints, face a great problem. Being overweight causes wear and tear of the articular cartilage thereby causing Sandhivata. Sandhivata is correlated with Osteoarthritis, the most common cause of disability of the locomotor system in the elderly. The prevalence of this disorder in certain elderly groups is as high as 85% with an increasing trend, especially among the Asian community having a high occurrence of osteoarthritis of the knee. Therefore, after proper ethical clearance from the institutional ethics committee an oral medicine was prepared. The aswagandhadi yoga was given at two grams twice daily for two months and follow-up was done every 7 days. The statistical analysis was found to be highly significant with a p-value <0.001 for Joint pain and Joint Swelling, while the p-value for Limitation of Movement and Nocturnal aching was found at <0.05 denoting significant results while deformity was not significant. Taking all this into consideration, the oral medicine of Aswagandhadi yoga can be used as an alternative medicine to reduce the cost-effectiveness and out-of-pocket expenditure of the patient.
Keywords :
Osteoarthritis, Sandhivata, Ayurveda, Ashwagandha Yoga, Vatavyadhi.