E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 1 Issue 3

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 1; Issue 3; (November 2021)
. The Effect of Corporate Taxation on Financing Decision: Evidence from Ethiopian Food and Beverages Companies

Ismael Hussein Malela

Subject: Accounting | Country: Ethiopia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 123 2 ][Pages: 01-08]
. Universal Basic Income: A Problem or a Solution?

Khujan Singh and Pooja Kataria

Subject: Business Studies | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 111 1 ][Pages: 09-15]
. Karna's Wife by Kavita Kane, "The Outcast's Queen," and the Female Protagonist's Courage: An Analysis of the Historicity of the Characterization

Anamika Saha

Subject: English | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 143 2 ][Pages: 16-19]
. Review of the Student Assessment System in Nepali Schools: A Theoretical and Policy Analysis

Rajendra Kumar Shah

Subject: Education | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 137 1 ][Pages: 20-23]
. A Case Study of the Ayurvedic Treatment to Hyperactive Disorder with Attention Deficit

Silswal M, Yadav H1 and Sharma P

Subject: Ayurveda | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 129 1 ][Pages: 24-26]
. Persuasive Advertising's Impact on the Buying Attitude of College Students in Coimbatore City with Special Reference to PG Students

Dr. Priya Kalyanasundaram

Subject: Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 103 3 ][Pages: 27-31]
. रैगर जाति की सामाजिक, आर्थिक प्रस्थिति, भाषा तथा शैक्षिक स्तर


Subject: Sociology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 88 2 ][Pages: 32-34]
. محبوب العرب الشاعر العبقري معروف الرصافي

Dr. Syeda Talath Sultana

Subject: Arabic | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 97 3 ][Pages: 35-36]
. आधुनिक भारतीय शिक्षा का समाजशास्त्रीय अध्ययन

Dr. Sunil Samag

Subject: Sociology | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 117 2 ][Pages: 37-38]
. माध्यमिकस्तर के छात्रों की बुद्धि व भावात्मक बुद्धिमत्ता का शैक्षिक उपलब्धि पर पड़ने वाला प्रभाव

हफ्शा नसीम

Subject: Education | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 82 2 ][Pages: 39-41]