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Review of the Student Assessment System in Nepali Schools: A Theoretical and Policy Analysis

Author : Rajendra Kumar Shah

Abstract :

The field of education is plagued by a number of problems. The first of them is assessment. The process of assessment is underway. It is an essential component of learning and teaching. Among several current educational concerns, the student assessment system in Nepali schools is one that is discussed in this review essay. The emphasis of is on the theoretical analysis and assessment-related policy provisions. Concept, categorization, traits, historical evolution, and present policy provision are included in the context of Nepal. The evaluation process should, in theory, provide teachers and students with feedback that is relevant to their learning development. The assessment gathers the pupils' proficiency level. It promotes growth in a variety of educational experiences. Additionally, assessment is a crucial step in the evaluation process. Test is its tool. However, it is more thorough than the test. In the theoretical review portion, it will be covered in more detail.

Keywords :

Educational assessment, constructivism, behaviorism