E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 1 Issue 16

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 1; Issue 16; (December 2022)
. Impact of Six Week Yogic Practices on AAHPERD Speed Spot Shooting Ability of College Basket Ball Women Players

Dr. Aparna Alva N

Subject: Physical Education | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 126 3 ][Pages: 01-02]
. Challenges and Opportunities of Social Entrepreneurship in India

Dr. R Venkatesh and R Oylarasi

Subject: Business Administration | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 136 2 ][Pages: 03-05]
. Implementation of Long Short Term Memory Algorithm for Rainfall Prediction of East Madhya Pradesh, India

Nisha Thakur, Dr. Shanti Swarup Dubey and Ravi Shrivastava

Subject: Mathematics | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 137 1 ][Pages: 06-09]
. Covid-19 Outbreak and Interdisciplinary Research

Atul Yadav and RK Giri

Subject: Physics | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 132 0 ][Pages: 10-11]
. Opportunities and Challenges in Solid Waste Management of Hyderabad, a Case Study of Swatch Hyderabad Mission

Dr. B Amarender Reddy

Subject: Public Administration | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 152 2 ][Pages: 12-20]
. समतामूलक और समावेशी शिक्षा, सभी के लिए शिक्षा की ओर एक नयी पहल

डा0 सुधाकर राय

Subject: Education | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 83 1 ][Pages: 21-23]
. Law and Women with Reference to Indian Constitution

Mr. Bhom Singh Meena, Mr. RP Rao, Mr. Karan Singh Meena and Mrs. Sonu

Subject: Education | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 136 1 ][Pages: 24-26]
. “A Deeply Study on Perception and Awarness Level of Doge Coin Crypto Currency-With Special Reference to Youth People of Gujarat in Jamnagar City”

Makwana Falguni M and Dr. Siddhiben Gopal Kumar Agrawal

Subject: Commerce | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 106 1 ][Pages: 31-34]
. Bio Medical Waste a Threat to Environment

Dr. P Firoz Babu

Subject: Social Work | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 136 1 ][Pages: 35-38]
. Customer Relationship Management and Service Quality of Insurance Companies in Mizoram

Lalchhantluangi Pachuau and R Vanlalruatkimi

Subject: Management | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 116 1 ][Pages: 39-44]