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Restoring Urban Ecology at Sir M. Vishweshwarayya Marga

Author : Dr. Yashaswini Somashekhar and Dileepkumar V Madbhavi

Abstract :

As a city grows, changes are seen in many locations, especially along the major and wider roads. When the road is the important connecting link between two major points, then it will be the fastest-changing line. The changes are even more rapid when that road is major connectivity between twin cities. Hubballi and Dharwad are considered to be among the fastest-developing cities in Karnataka. These cities are growing towards each other as well as growing outwards. One can see an unobstructed commercial development along the road between them. There are some gaps seen, which have to be filled. These gaps are becoming unsafe stretches for pedestrians and vehicles in some places. Such stretches are seen with open drains, grey water, broken footpaths, absence of lighting, footpath encroachment, abandoned buildings, neglected ponds etc.
One of such gaps is seen between Vidyagiri and Gandhinagar of Dharwad city, known as “Sir M. Vishweshwarayya Marga” along the HD-BRTS corridor. This research aims at intertwining social safety, connecting such gaps with active and positive urban design intervention, and making them more pedestrian-friendly throughout the day and night.

Keywords :

Twin-cities, Safe pedestrian way, universal accessibility, HD-BRTS corridor, urban ecology.