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Electron Impact Excıtatıon of Sıngle 114Fl, 115Uup, 116Uuh, 117Uus, 118Uuo Atoms N and Ni Subshells Ionızatıon Cross Sectıon by usıng Lotz’s Equatıons

Author : Mahmut Aydinol

Abstract :

N shell and seven N subshells ionization cross sections σN and σNi (i = 1, .,,7) following electron impact on 114Fl, 115Uup, 116Uuh, 117Uus, 118Uuo atoms calculated. By using Lotz's equation in Matlab ionization cross section values obtained for 24 electron impact energy values in first ionization energy to five times ionization energy range for each atom. Lotz’s parameters and special commands used for each ionization cross sections calculations. Starting all most from ionization threshold values; σN and σNi are increasing rapidly with electron impact energy Eo. For higher Eo values this increments getting smaller for every Ni subshells. For smaller Eo energy close to threshold all σN and σNi decrease. For a fixed electron impact energy while Z value increases from 114≤ Z≤ 118; ionization cross sections decrease with Z. Results may help to understand similar findings which obtained from other electron impact excitation of Ni subshells σN and σNi studies for similar size single atoms.

Keywords :

Ni subshells ionization cross section, 114Fl, 115Uup, 116Uuh, 117Uus, 118Uuo calculations, Electron impact on single atoms(114≤Z≤118), Lotz’s equations