E-ISSN: 2583-1615


Volume 1 Issue 9

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.126

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International Journal of Research in Academic World

Call for Paper; Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2025; Fast Review & Publication Process; Free E-Certificate of Publication to Each Author, Publish Books & Chapters with ISBN

Volume 1; Issue 9; (May 2022)
. What Makes Higher Education’s Diversity Advantageous? Reflections from Literature Review

Easaw Alemayehu Assefa

Subject: Education | Country: Ethiopia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 115 4 ][Pages: 01-08]
. A History of Modern Ethiopia (1855-1991): A Review

Mengesha Robso Wodajo

Subject: History | Country: Ethiopia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 128 3 ][Pages: 09-11]
. Etiopathogenesis and Symptomatology of Shwitra (Vitiligo): An Ayurvedic Literary Review

Madhumita Das, Vaddi Meenakshi and PB Karmahapatra

Subject: Ayurveda | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 133 3 ][Pages: 12-14]
. Teacher’s Difficulties in Adapting to Blended Learning Approach during the New Normal: A Study in the Selected High Schools in East Lombok, Indonesia

Durraturrohmi, Untung Waluyo and Henny Soepriyanti

Subject: English | Country: Indonesia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 134 2 ][Pages: 15-19]
. Forage Yield and Quality Evaluation of Selected Vetch Species Intercropped with Finger Millet at Different Seeding Ratios in Western Oromia, Ethiopia

Wakgari Keba

Subject: Agriculture | Country: Ethiopia

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 148 2 ][Pages: 20-28]
. Analysis of Financial Health of Selected Indian Companies

Dr. Manjulaben Gordhanbhai Patel

Subject: Commerce | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 136 2 ][Pages: 29-32]
. Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Canal Water in North-West Rajasthan Command Area

Dr. Vijay Singh Yadav, Kiran Choudhary and Dr. MPS Chandrawat

Subject: Chemistry | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 155 2 ][Pages: 33-34]
. “The Shift from Traditional Classrooms to Digital Screens during the Lockdown” the Impact and Learning Preference: An Analysis

Dr. G Sujana Florence

Subject: Education | Country: India

[Abstract] [PDF] [ 26 1 ][Pages: 35-37]