Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Canal Water in North-West Rajasthan Command Area
Author : Dr. Vijay Singh Yadav, Kiran Choudhary and Dr. MPS Chandrawat
Abstract :
In order to study the seasonal variation in the quality of different canal water, the water samples during Summer, Monsoon and winter season at different location are analyzed for different quality parameters like PH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na Content and microelement composition canal water of Gang, Bhakara, Indira Gandhi canals were found suitable for both irrigation and drinking purpose. The PH of Water collected from different Canals during summer monsoon and winter season did not show much variation and the values ranged between 7.1 to 7.3. EC of water collected from different canals during different seasons ranged between .21 to .35. As regards to Cationic composition the calcium content in water collected from different canals during different seasons was higher than magnesium content. Potassium Concentration was very low in water collected from different canals during different seasons. Sodium was the next dominating ion to calcium in all canals water irrespective of the season. Among anions chhlorid3e was the major dominating ion followed by bicarbonate and sulphate. SAR value in different canals was found between range 1.00 to 1.25.Trace elements Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn were present in Canal water but their concentration was low. Fluoride content showing no appreciable difference during different seasons and source of water.
Keywords :
PH of Water, EC of Waterm, Calcium Concentration, Potassium Concentration, Trace Elements, Monsoon Season, Summer Season, Winter Season