“Creating Awareness among Parents of Children with Disabilities about Special Education Services through Training Program”
Author : Mr. Bhom Singh Meena and Mrs. Sonu
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to identify the level to awareness among parents of children with Intellectual Disabilities about special Education Service Katked Mandal (District) Karauli, Rajasthan. A total No. of 50 parents (45 Male, Female 5) working in rural area Rajasthan participated in the study. A tool was developed to find out the level awareness among parent of children with Intellectual Disabilities about special education services. To find out the level of awareness of special education services mean percentages was calculated. T-Test was carried out to find out whether there is any significant difference in the level of awareness of special education services as mental retardation reference to gender, age, education and family type. However when compared to the awareness level of mental retardation. The results of the study indicate that there is no significant difference with reference to age, Gender, family type, awareness on intellectual Disability and special education services.
Keywords :
Special education services, awareness, psychological assessment