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Management Strategies for Sustainable Water Supply in Nigeria

Author : ACC Ezeabasili, NU Dim, Chinwe Sussan Oguejiofor, OKAFOR Ifeoma Pethronila and Chikezie Godson Chukwuma

Abstract :

Nigeria is not on-track and has not yet achieved the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) target 7c of 2015 which intends to halve the population that does not have access to potable water and sanitation. The water-supply issues have taken a critical situation with the rapidly-increasing population, agricultural demands decreasing rainfall due to climate change, non-existence of potable surface water and pollution of water by wastes.
This study employed a qualitative approach method of investigation to examine water sustainability existing institutional framework, practices and present patterns of water use. This study will also demonstrate the value of water management plan in contribution to achieving sustainable water supply in Anambra state. Reviews, analyses of the situation of water and of its management practices in Anambra indicate that there is a glaring laxity and that challenges exist in policies related to water management strategies.

Keywords :

Management, strategies, sustainability, framework, water supply.