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Kinetic Energy of Electron, Proton and Muon Explicitly Predicts No Family Change at Very High Energy with Relativistic Mass

Author : Ram Swaroop Sahu and Utkarsh Singh Sahu

Abstract :

We have been explicitly calculated the Einstein relativistic mass formula  mrel.=m01-v2c2. Our calculation shows that we increase velocity of the electron, proton and muon. Our table and graph shows that a lepton could not make itself as Baryon or hadron. Because the electron velocity near light velocity (c) could not able to increase  Ekinetic energy(=∆E) mass energy equivalent to the mass energy of the proton. The proton has been much more   mass energy in compare the electron. We have found the range for electron 0.1 vc to 0.9 vc  that gives Ekinetic energy  the range from 0.0025 MeV to 2.0568 MeV. There the proton has provided  Ekinetic energy the range from 4.695 MeV to 3779.644 MeV ( 3.78 GeV). Our calculation and graph shows that it gives constraint on the massive particles who does not eligible to achieve velocity equal to light velocity c=3×108 m/sec⁡( c1)  and cannot change its flavor of family for example lepton to hadron.

Keywords :

Rest mass, fremion, hadron, Kinetic energy and light velocity.