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Effectiveness of Cytrol 10.8 ULV and Cytrol 0.4 LPU in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Control in Cardenas, Matanzas, Cuba

Author : Domingo Montada Dorta, Maureen Leyva, José Valdés, David del Valle Laveaga, Julio Duquesne Reyes, Alexi Brito, Rafael Lizano, José A de la Paz and Rigoberto Fimia Duarte

Abstract :

The province of Matanzas usually performs intensive control of Aedes aegypti using pyrethroids as adulticide mainly, however, the municipality of Cardenas has health areas with high House Index (HI) and Breteau Index (BI). The objective of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of Cytrol 10.8 ULV (ultra-low volume) and Cytrol 0.4 LPU (Ready to Use) in intradomiciliary thermonebulization treatments against Ae. aegypti in the Popular Council, Peninsula de Varadero, of the Ramon Martinez Health Area of Cardenas municipality, Matanzas, Cuba. For the study, the susceptibility status to cypermethrin was evaluated using the impregnated vial methodology in a population of mosquitoes in the selected area, which was resistant (85% mortality). Bioassays were also conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Cytrol 0.4 LPU and Cytrol 10.8 ULV at the doses evaluated, using the biological evaluation methodology for persistent fumigants, and 100% mortality was obtained in all cases. Efficacy was determined by house and Breteau index, number of eggs per ovitraps and adult capture using BG-Sentinel adult traps. Blocks treated with Cytrol 10.8 ULV at a dose of 25 mL remained negative for four months according to the indices evaluated, while those treated at doses of 10 and 5 mL of Cytrol 10.8 ULV and Cytrol 0.4 LPU were negative for three months with the same indices as those treated with 10 and 5 mL of Cytrol 10.8 ULV and Cytrol 0.4 LPU were negative for three months with the same indicators. The spatial thermo fumigation treatment with these two formulations had a positive impact on the selected blocks and, in addition to the vector control programme activities, is a good option to reduce the rate of Ae. aegypti infestation.

Keywords :

Aedes aegypti, Cardenas, Cytrol, Effectiveness, Intradomiciliary Thermonebulization.