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An Exploratory Analysis of Amavata through Ayurveda

Author : Vidya Ghanshyam Bhamare, Subhash B Jamdhade and Rajashree V Awale

Abstract :

Amavata is an Ama pradoshaja vikar, disease of Rasvaha Strotas caused by mainly Agnimandya, which leads to accumulation of Ama in shleshmasthana and prakopa of Vata dosha, resulting in pain, stiffness and swelling of joints. The features of Amavata are much identical to Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune chronic disorder which causes inflammatory and symmetrical polyarthritis. The treatment approach for Amavata generally includes Shodhan and Shaman chikitsa. Drugs used in management of Amavata should posses Amapachak and Vata-Kaphahar properties, so present article describes systemic concept of Amavata from all classic text of Ayurveda and its management.

Keywords :

Ama, Amavata, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Nidan Panchak, Chikitsa