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The Influence of Socialising Agents in Cultivating Consumerism among Children

Author : Benison Bennet and Malar Mathi K

Abstract :

Cultivating wise consumerism is a need for society, especially among children. Children are highly susceptible to being influenced by the compelling marketing strategies employed by businesses. The socialising agents such as family, peers and media play a major role in equipping children to become consumers. The act of consumerism has developed from the socialising agents to children since their childhood. In this study we have analysed the important aspects that define the socialising agents and the children’s preference towards them. A sample size of 217 children were surveyed from India to understand the consumerism and the influence of socialising agents in their purchases. The results show that socialising agents are predominant in cultivating consumerism among children. Especially, family leads the socialisation of child consumerism than peers and media. Therefore, socialising agents holds the responsibility of developing wise consumerism habits in children so that the child can become sensible consumers of the future.

Keywords :

Socialising agents, children, consumerism, consumer literacy, family, peer, media