An Investigation on How Consumers Behave When it Comes to Shopping Mall Attractiveness, with a Focus on the City of Udaipur
Author : Bhavna Sanadhya
Abstract :
Over the past few decades, India has witnessed an astounding expansion in the number of shopping malls. Nevertheless, Udaipur's malls haven't been able to reliably offer customers a one-stop shop. This study uses data from an urban consumer survey to investigate malls' appeal from the viewpoint of the customers. This research examines three shopping centers that serve as geographical representations of Udaipur. This essay aims to investigate the allure of shopping centers by examining the attitudes and behaviors of consumers toward these establishments. Additionally, the study suggests determining what makes a perfect mall from the viewpoint of the customer. Six aspects influenced shoppers' attitudes toward malls were identified by this study: price parity, product knowledge, relaxed shopping, prestige shopping, proximity & convenience, and any-day-visit. The survey also determined the attributes of a mall that consumers take into account when they visit: overall attractiveness, personnel, ease of shopping, amenities and atmosphere, and convenience. Mall managers may create successful retail strategies to achieve the intended values by using the attractiveness factor classification to reveal general insights about the concept of an ideal mall and to investigate the behavior and attitude of shoppers toward malls.
Keywords :
Shopping malls, retail, consumer attitude, consumer behavior, Udaipur, mall attractiveness