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The Impact of Piper longum on Sex Ratio in Drosophila melanogaster: An Experimental Study

Author : K Rakshitha and Dr. V Shakunthala

Abstract :

This study investigates the impact of Piper longum on the sex ratio of Drosophila melanogaster. Previous research has highlighted that food availability significantly influences maternal resource allocation, affecting offspring fitness and sex ratios. The sex ratio, defined as the male-to-female ratio in a population, is a crucial demographic factor with implications for reproductive capacity and genetic variability. While genetic and environmental factors are known to influence sex ratios, the specific impact of dietary components like Piper longum remains underexplored. Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism, this study examines how different concentrations of Piper longum in the diet affect the sex ratio of offspring. The results demonstrate that Piper longum significantly skews the sex ratio towards more female offspring compared to the control group, with both 10mg/l and 20mg/l concentrations showing a pronounced effect. These findings suggest that Piper longum can modulate reproductive outcomes, potentially offering applications in managing sex ratios in experimental populations.

Keywords :

Piper longum, Drosophila melanogaster, sex ratio, male female