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The Issue of “Identitism” and Understanding the Status of Tribal Women Writers in India through Sociology of Literature

Author : Dr. Anita Rathi

Abstract :

“Identitism” here refers to the fight for self-recognition, self-esteem of tribal women writers. This paper is intent to present a theoretical understanding of the above reference in context. Theoretical scientific premises in this context is Sociology of Literature, though less adhered to and less appreciated in India. Reasons might be any but most of the significant works on tribal women writers and their socio-economic, political status are less opted. Either they had been rated based on the quality and quantity of their literary endeavors but they had not been treated as a social human being with self-consciousness, self-esteem and self-identity. They would have been treated as members of the animal kingdom only, not as normal humans having their own social status and role, having their own economic issues, having their own identity issues among the other groups of writers. They are less acclaimed with lesser known identities on the international platforms. Most of the scholars and their scholarly works in understanding the identity issues of tribal women writers in the arena of Social Sciences and Humanities are limited to the cultural and literary aspects of the tribal women writers till so far because of the lesser appreciated scope of Sociology of Literature. This paper is chiefly to snatch the scholars attention towards understanding the status of tribal women writers in context to their identity and space of their own in India on the scientific grounds of the Sociology of Literature that provides us deep insight into the subject and helps us in developing an understanding through Sociology of Literature in contest to the Indian Tribal Women Writers and the issue of their identity.

Keywords :

Identitism, sociology of literature, status of tribal women writers