The Efficacy of a Structured Teaching Program in Raising Awareness among Pregnant Mothers in Specific Rural Areas of Bhopal (M.P.) about Antenatal Factors that can Result in Mental Disorders
Author : Joyce Lal
Abstract :
The prevalence of psychiatric disorders is 58.2 per thousand which means that there are about 5.7 crore people suffering from some type of psychiatric disorder. Out of this 4 lakhs people have organic psychosis, 26 lakh people have schizophrenia and 1.2 crore people have affective psychosis, thus there are about 1.5 crore people suffering from several mental disorders, beside 12,000 patients in government mental hospitals in the country.
Mental retardation is one of the commonest diagnoses in children attending various psychiatric settings in India as well as other developing countries, forming 30-50°o of the attendance of the paediatric group. It is a multidimensional problem the dimensions are psychological, educational, medical and social aspect with the social aspect being the most important. Etiology of mental disorders includes complications during pregnancy is very common in our country that exposes the child to the high risk of mental disorder. Toxemia of pregnancy, vaginal haemorrhage, placenta Previa premature separation of placenta and cord prolapsed can some time leads to mental disorder.
Keywords :
Effectiveness, antenatal factors, mental disorders, antenatal mothers