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The Effect of the Ensure® Nutrition Supplement on the Rate of Development and Percentage of Hatchability in Drosophila Melanogaster

Author : Suma S, Shilpashree BM, Tanmayi Kishore, Yashaswini SP, Aishwarya KC, Ashwini M and MS Krishna

Abstract :

An organism needs energy from its nutrition-rich food for growth, development, reproduction, and survival. In the present study, Drosophila melanogaster flies were cultured on wheat cream agar, Ensure®, and mixed medium to determine the impact of Ensure® on the Drosophila melanogaster % of hatchability and rate of development. The results revealed that the rate of development of larva to pupa and pupa to adult was significantly slower in Ensure® media and larva to pupa and pupa to adult rate of development was significantly faster in the control media compared to test media and mixed media which  showed more or less similar rate of development of control media. Overall the development time from larva to adult was faster in the mixed and control media compared to the test media which had the least preadult rate of development. Further the % hatchability of larva to pupa and pupa to adult was significantly greater in the mixed media compared to wheat cream agar media and test media. Control diet showed the least percentage of hatchability compared to mixed and test diet. This suggest that mixed diet provides the required nutrition to increases the rate of development and % of hatchability. This study suggests that the consumption of mixed diet media was shown beneficial effect on the rate of development and % of hatchability of the Drosophila melanogaster.

Keywords :

Diet, Drosophila melanogaster, Ensure®, rate of development