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Graphopathology: A Novel Approach to Understand Human Illness

Author : Kantisree Goswami

Abstract :

Graphology, the subject of handwriting analysis, has its own sound rationales. We know it very well that handwriting is a motor skill, regulated by our brain. Nerve impulses travel down the arm, into the hand, directing the fingers to maneuver the pen. Knowing this fact, a clear relationship can be drawn between the inner ailments of human beings, physical as well as mental, and the corresponding changes in their handwriting patterns. This particular branch of graphology is termed graphopathology, which studies the alterations shown in the handwriting strokes, due to psychological or physical disturbances. The common conditions studied so far by such approach, include Parkinson disease, depression, high blood pressure etc. For graph pathologists, characteristic prodromal symptoms (the graphical symptoms preceding the development of a disease) are of immense importance. These analyses can surely contribute a lot in early detection of the illness, and thus it actually helps in community welfare.

Keywords :

Graphology, motor skill, graphopathology, prodromal symptoms