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Diversification of Agriculture in India: A State Wise Analysis

Author : Prabhati Behera and Dr. Ravindra Kumar Sharma

Abstract :

The Present study investigates the pattern of crop diversification at the national and state level. The cropping pattern in India changes over time significantly. The study will investigate crop diversification across the different states in India using secondary data from 1990-91 to 2021-22. During 1990-91 to 2021-22 the cultivated area more or less fluctuated over time. This could be because of the increase in demand for food, the increase in population, urbanization, and many more. Agriculture in India has undergone a tremendous shift from traditional crops to high-value crops. Therefore, the study revealed that the majority of the states moved from food grain crops to non-food grain crops.

Keywords :

Cropping pattern, crop diversification, food-grain, non-food grain