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Artificial Intelligence Course and Employability among Management Graduates

Author : Amit Chaturvedi and Dr. Praveen K Thakur

Abstract :

Objective: This paper aims to propose that artificial intelligence course in business management institutes contribute to employability among the students of business management. It is observed that there remain course shortcomings in business management institutes’ programme due to various causes that fail to boost employability among the students of such management institutes. Unavailability of artificial intelligence course fail to provide necessary element to the business management students whereby they can become employable. Here, the artificial intelligence course act as a super facilitator to boost employability among the business management students
Methodology: The study of Indian Institute of Management Indore, a business school imparting management education, was employed to corroborate the claim.
Findings: Frequently the students of business schools lack artificial intelligence competence in their academic and professional life due to lack of artificial intelligence course available in the business schools they study. Additionally lack of motivation among the business schools to get ranked in the category of top B schools do not compel them to develop artificial intelligence course. Against this backdrop, artificial intelligence course, developed by business management institutes, can contribute to the employability requirements among the students of business management.
Conclusion: The underpinning conclusions are to introduce the unique importance of artificial intelligence, which gives fresh impetus to the employability among the business management students in the country and in the world.

Keywords :

Artificial intelligence, employability, business schools, knowledge, Indian institute of management Indore