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The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Choice of Higher Studies among 12th Standard Students

Author : Dr. Chitra A, Soundharya K and Vigneshwari M

Abstract :

In the journey of academic and personal development, the transition from high school to higher studies marks a significant milestone in a student's life. Among 12th standard students, the choice of higher studies is influenced by various factors, including personal aspirations, societal expectations, academic performance, and financial considerations. However, one often overlooked yet critical factor is emotional intelligence (EI). Dubey (2012) found that students’ EI was positively correlated with student’s learning motivation. As students contemplate their options for higher studies, their level of emotional intelligence significantly impacts their decision-making process. This study is attempted to evaluate the influence of emotional intelligence components in choice among the higher studies option available for Twelfth students in Tamil Nadu state. The research indicates, even though certain emotional intelligence factors has no significance influence on the choice of group in twelfth standard, all the factors of emotional intelligence has significant and prominent influence on the choice of course after twelfth standard.

Keywords :

Emotional intelligence, choice of course, twelfth standard