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Insights of Kalaripayattu W.R.T. Marma Shastra

Author : Kanika Gupta

Abstract :

In ancient history of India, Kalaripayattu is believed to be one of the oldest surviving martial art forms. The main objective of this art-form is to attain physical flexibility and mental strength. The first mention of Karalipayattu is observed in historical literature of Dravidian culture. Kalaripayattu is associated with Dhanurveda a branch of Yajurveda.
The word Kalaripayattu is divided as ‘Kalari’ referring to the training place or where the knowledge is taught and ‘Payattu’ refers to the training.
Practitioners of Kalaripayattu should have an intricate knowledge of Marma, which are points where Prana resides. Kalari Chikitsa provide the treatment protocol to treat injuries and wound during war combat. The training involve four steps which equip the practitioner to use weapons. The training also include the Marma Shastra in order to equip the practitioner to attack on the Marma points of opponent’s along with defence of his own Marma during combat.
Kalari Uzhichil (application of oil) are used in neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders.

Keywords :

Kalaripayattu, Kalari Chikitsa, Marma Shastra, Kalari Uzhichil, Kalari Movement therapy, neuromuscular disorders, musculoskeletal disorders