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Honoring Motherhood: The Path to Respectful Maternity Care

Author : Pratibha Patel and Dr. Sunita Lawrence

Abstract :

Maternity care is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of both mothers and babies. It encompasses a range of services, from prenatal care to postnatal support, aiming to provide comprehensive care throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. It’s crucial to respect the autonomy, dignity and choices of expectant mothers while providing them with the highest standard of care and support. The world health organization (WHO) is working on strategies to promote respectful maternity care by focusing on treating pregnant women and mothers with dignity, kindness, and respect during all stages of childbirth. They emphasize the importance of providing women with information, involving them in decision-making, and ensuring their privacy and confidentiality. Additionally, WHO promotes training healthcare providers to deliver compassionate and culturally sensitive care, as well as advocating for policies that support respectful maternity care globally. Challenges in implementing respectful maternity care includes Infrastructure, Physical Resources and Commodities, Nursing Professionals, Knowledge and Skill Development etc.

Keywords :

RMC, TNAI, White Ribben Alliance