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Assessing the Quality of Life of Transgender in Chennai City

Author : Dr. A Puvi Lakshmi

Abstract :

Transgender people are marginalized; often face discrimination in all societies. According to the Indian census they are coming under the grouping of “Others” under Gender with particulars related to their employment, literacy, and caste. It found regressive Indian society at large has been incapable to approach the deviant and nonconformist gender identity. Transgender face Social Exclusion the discrimination and stigmatization in socio-cultural, economic, and political life. The current research assesses the quality of life of transgender people in Chennai city. Tamil Nadu is noted as one of the most open states with regards to the LGBT community, particularly transgender people. The study was exploratory in nature which aims to identify the social life, subjective wellbeing, environmental and personality factors, Health concerns and satisfaction in their life.

Keywords :

Marginalized, social exclusion, nonconformist gender, political life