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An Evolution of Right to Privacy in the Era of Information Technology through the Lens of Judicial Pronouncements in India: An Analysis

Author : Dr. Anjum Ajmeri R Ansari

Abstract :

The right to privacy stands as a fundamental pillar in the realm of human rights, ensuring individual autonomy and dignity in an increasingly interconnected world. This paper delves into the evolutionary trajectory of the right to privacy in India, primarily through the lens of judicial pronouncements. India, with its rich tapestry of legal precedents and constitutional framework, has witnessed a dynamic interplay between the right to privacy and emerging societal challenges. Beginning with seminal cases the Indian judiciary laid the groundwork for recognizing privacy as an inherent facet of personal liberty under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. The advent of the digital age ushered in new dimensions of privacy concerns, prompting the judiciary to revaluate existing doctrines in light of technological advancements. Landmark judgments such as Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) v. Union of India (2017) marked a watershed moment, wherein the Supreme Court unequivocally affirmed the right to privacy as a fundamental right emanating from Article 21. This monumental decision not only affirmed privacy as intrinsic to human dignity but also acknowledged its dynamic nature, capable of adaptation to contemporary challenges.

Keywords :

Privacy, information technology, government, surveillance