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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Covid-19 among BSC Nursing 2nd Year Students of College Jabalpur Institute of Nursing Sciences and Research (M.P)

Author : Amisha Patle and Khushbu Patle

Abstract :

It is important to know current level of knowledge and practice about COVID 19 protocol of students for their safety. Knowing this would help the policy makers, parents and teachers to decide the appropriate ways and content that needs to be explained to them in order to ensure the appropriate steps are taken by student to protect themselves when not supervise.
This study was aimed to investigate the knowledge and practice towards corona virus 2019 (COVID 19) among students we assess knowledge and practice toward COVID 19 immediately after the lockdown measures were implemented and during the rapid rise periods of the outbreak. To improve the knowledge and practice of general populations is crucial during the rapid rise period of pandemic out break such as COVID 19. There for, development of effective health education program that incorporate considerations of knowledge and practice modifying factor is needed.

Keywords :

Self-instructional module, Students, Covid-19