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A Study to Assess the Implementation of School Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) among Schools in South West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya

Author : Dr. Ebormi S Langshiang

Abstract :

This study evaluates the implementation of School Disaster Management Plans (SDMPs) in South West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya, and assesses the impact of educational interventions on disaster preparedness within the education sector. The findings reveal a significant increase in the adoption of SDMPs following the intervention, with the proportion of schools implementing SDMPs rising from 8.18% to 53.25%. Statistical analysis confirms the significance of this improvement, indicating a substantial difference before and after the intervention. These findings highlight the value and effectiveness of educational interventions in fostering proactive disaster management practices among schools, thereby enhancing resilience within the community. Moving forward, sustained investment in such initiatives will be crucial for strengthening disaster preparedness and resilience in the region's education sector.

Keywords :

School disaster management plans (SDMPs), preparedness, awareness