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Management of a Case of Fibrous Hyperplastic Lesion with Rapid Recurrence

Author : Anurag Thakuria, Rajni Prajapati, Atika Ismail, Ankita Mutt and Vithika Pandey

Abstract :

Introduction: Focal fibrous hyperplastic lesions/fibro epithelial polyps known as gingival polyps. It simply refers to a fibrous connective tissue hyperplasia that develops in response to irritation from cavities, overhanging margins, calculus, maligned teeth. In this case report the treatment for proximal carious teeth with gingival polyp which again recurred during healing period has been discussed. Method: A 32-year-old male patient reported with a reddish-pink soft gingival overgrowth, entrapped in the carious distal surface of #38. It was excised under local anaesthesia with a no 15 BP blade. The excised tissue was sent for biopsy which confirmed a localised fibrous hyperplasia. Result: During healing phase within 14 days recurrence was again seen covering the cavity space of #38, for which electrocautery was used for re excision followed by root canal treatment and restoration of #38. On re-evaluation after 1 month there was uneventful healing without any recurrence. Conclusion: As in our in our case the carious tooth associated with the polyp was decided to be restored after healing of the lesion, recurrence was seen on 14th day post-operative either due to presence of the chronic irritation from carious #38 or leftover inflammatory source after excision. Hence it is important to eliminate all potential sources of chronic irritation for which a thorough course of treatment consisting of adequate management, a histopathological investigation, and regular follow-up visits should be done.

Keywords :

Gingival polyp, focal fibrous hyperplastic lesions, fibro epithelial polyp