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African Boar Goat: Meat Icon

Author : Dr. Shaikh IM

Abstract :

Each goat breed/variety has its speciality. Some goat variety has more milk yield than others like Sangamneri. Some goats are special for wool/hair production like Changthangi, Chengi etc. But all goat breeds do not possess all the characteristics or qualities. This research paper thrusts light on such a variety of goat that turns more beneficial or profitable for its breeders as it converts the input i.e. cattle feed or fodder in the fastest manner and on a large quality and quantity and that to in a short/small span of time into meant production. Such an ideal/icon variety is African Boar variety/Breed of goat like broiler in poultry.
So, rearing of African Boar variety of goat in modern enclosed goat farming method would prove more profitable and beneficial if farmers rear them especially for the purpose of meat. The bucks of such variety can be sold in wholesale or retail using traditional platform like weekly marker (bazar) or using modern social media platforms like whatsApp. The modern technology may boost the profit and enhance the financial and social status of the goat keeper.

Keywords :

Broiler, African Boar goat, Buck, Meat yield etc.