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A Single Case Study of Shushkakshipaka W.S.R. to Dry Eye Syndrome

Author : Dr. Pranjali Dubey, Dr. Rajendra Singh Patel, Dr. Jagruti Richhariya and Dr. Shubhangi Lohakare

Abstract :

Shushkakshipaka is one among the Sarvagata, Ashastrakrat-Vataja Sadhya Netraroga described in classical Ayurveda texts. Clinical features of Shushkakshipaka includes Kunitavartma, Daruna-Rukshavartma, Aviladarshana, Gharshan, Toda, Bheda, Upadeha, Krichronmeelana, Vishushkatwa, Shoola and Paka. We can consider the classical symptoms of Shushkakshipaka with reference to dry eye disease.
Materials and Method: This is a case report of 65 yr old woman who approached Shalakya Tantra ophthalmology opd of Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal with complaint of feeling of dryness, itching and burning sensation in bilateral eyes since 8 days. The subject was thoroughly examined and diagnosed as Shushkakshipaka. The treatment was planned accordingly.
Result: The subject had shown good improvement.
Conclusion: Remarkable result observed after Shatavari Ghrita Netra tarpan followed by Anu taila Nasya with internal medicine in the form of improvement in all the chief complaints of Shushkakshipaka and provided long lasting relief to the patient.

Keywords :

Children Rights Convention (CRC), National Commission on the Right of Child (NCRC), Child Rights