A Case Report on the Efficient Ayurvedic Treatment for Abhighataj Katigraha
Author : Dr. Nupur Namdeo and Dr. Kamini Soni
Abstract :
Katigraha is a condition where the lower back region is afflicted with Vitiated Vata and present with symptoms such as pain with stiffness. Even though this condition is not life threatening but it hampers the daily activity. Kati itself is one of the seats of Vata Dosha and the root cause of disease is aggravated by Vata. This region is subjected to injury more commonly because this region possesses greater freedom of movement. The lumbosacral region is, therefore, subjected to mechanical strain, which is common after the 3rd or 4th decade of life. Surgical treatment in modern medicine may not guarantee for good result. Ayurveda can provide a suitable treatment through appropriate panchakarma procedures which are useful in such disorders. The current case study was carried out at the Department of Panchakarma, PTKLS Bhopal, and A 62 year male patient suffering with lower back pain was treated with shamana chikitsa along with panchkarma and jalukavcharan for a period 7 days.
Keywords :
Abhighata katigraha, low back pain, merudand pizhinchil, jaluka