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Management of Sciatica (Gridhrasi) through Marma Chikitsa–A Pilot Study for a Randomized Clinical Trail

Author : Dr. Sachin Patidar, Dr. Rita Marwaha, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Dr. Neha Mishra and Dr. Shiba Datta Panda

Abstract :

In our daily therapeutic practise, vata vyadhi is one of the most common health issues, and Gridhra is one of them. It is characterised by discomfort in the buttock, thigh, leg, or foot that is searing, stinging, or numbing. Low back discomfort may or may not be related to it. Gridhrasi appears to affect both the sedentary and physically demanding patient types. Marma Chikitsa is the art of treating certain vital points to re-channelize the Prana (vital force in the body). Touching a Marma point changes the body's biochemistry and can unfold radical, chemical change in one’s makeup. Stimulation of these inner pharmacy pathways signals the body to produce certain neurochemicals that heals the body and mind. The Marma Chikitsa was performed in which Pada Kshipra Marma, Pada Talahridaya Marma, Gulpha Marma, Indravasti Marma, Ani Marma, Janu Marrm, Urvi Marmas was manipulated. 10 patients with symptoms of Gridhrasi and fit for Marma chikitsa were chosen. Marma chikitsa was performed on lower limb and lower back region twice a day. The patient data was evaluated before the Marma chikitsa, and after the completion of 45 days and on 15th day as a follow up routine. The findings were statistically tabulated using paired ‘t’ test.

Keywords :

Sciatica, Gridhrasi, Marma chikitsa, pain.