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Study of Giant Hernia Surgical Management: A Case Report

Author : Dr. Pramod Popat Vanve and Dr. Laxmi M Narhare

Abstract :

Massive inguinoscrotal hernias extending below the midpoint of the inner thigh, in the standing position constitute giant inguinoscrotal hernias. We report a patient who presented with giant right inguinal hernia of 43 year/Male. He had no past surgical history. He was taken up for surgery under general anesthesia after preoperative respiratory exercises. Sliding hernia with entire greater omentum, small bowel, and appendix as contents was identified. Meshplasty after omentectomy and appendisectomy were done. Giant inguinoscrotal hernias pose significant problems while replacing bowel contents because of the increase in intraabdominal and intrathoracic pressures. Recurrence is another complication seen after successful surgical management. Various techniques such as preoperative pneumoperitoneum, debulking abdominal contents with extensive bowel resections, or omentectomy and phrenectomy have been tried. Postoperative elective ventilation is also needed in many cases. We describe simple reduction with omentectomy as a viable technique in this patient.

Keywords :

Giant hernia, inguinal hernia, surgical management