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Clinical Review to Evaluate the Efficacy of Mahanimba Beej Churna in First and Second Degree Hemorrhoids

Author : Ajay Kumar Pandey and Dr. Laxmi M Narhare

Abstract :

Arsha is comments problem in public health there are so many various drug have been approved for the curing the diseases Arsha (Raktarsha). As per previous research there is various drug have been explored scientifically on arsha while reviewing the literature it was observed that Mahanimba Beej churna was not studied for rakatarsh till date hence hoping this study may contribute further to public health we have decided to use Mahanimba beej churna in the management of rakatarsh and pittaras tendency of bleeding give complication like anemia. To avoid this complication we used Mahanimba beej churna. Mahanimba beej churna easily available all over India and the effect of arshoghna raktastambhan and deepan pachan kapha pittaghna garhi is the main reason for the selection of Mahanimba beej churna in management of the raktarsha so it will be one try to establish and addition in the line of treatment of the raktarsha.

Keywords :

Arsha, Raktarsha, Hemorrhoids