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Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles: Importance and Challenges

Author : Mahesh Tiwari, Ayush Kumar Gour and Syed Murtaza Hasan Rizvi

Abstract :

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are a significant advancement in transport, placing artificial intelligence (AI) towards the center of their systems. AI allows vehicles to see and comprehend their surroundings and act accordingly without needing any human help thanks to techniques such as machine learning, sensor fusion and real time decision making. This paper investigates in detail the working foundations as well as the social and economic significance of AI-based AVs and the numerous obstacles which need to be dealt with for their mainstream use. AI holds the promise to improve transport safety, reduce traffic, and increase access to transport but in practice, it appears that there are still technical, moral, and legal issues to contend with. It also stresses the importance of the multidisciplinary approach since these issues are bound to affect the transport sector in the next few decades with AI, as most paradigms do. Also article presents thorough overview of mechanisms enabling AVs thanks to AI technologies, particularly focusing on NLP and NLU, the elements needed to connect humans and AVs. It speaks about the technological as well as the ethical and regulatory and practical issues but it is also forward looking about the prospects of AVs elbowing their way into the world transport system. The various types of interfaces that most AV systems incorporate hence demonstrate the importance of several other disciplines that AIM integrates.

Keywords :

Autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision