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A Literature Review on Rectal Prolapse and Case Study

Author : Dr. Rohit S Nikhade and Dr. Laxmi M Narhare

Abstract :

The rectal prolapse is defined as the concentric protrusion of full or partial thickness of the rectum or rectosigmoid via the anus. The exact cause of rectal prolapse is unclear but it is predominant on female gender and on people having constipation, previous anorectal surgeries etc. In Ayurveda, Guda Bhramsa (Rectal prolapse) is explained by Acharya Susruta under Kshudra Rogas and has elaborated it's conservative management. In this case study a male patient with rectal prolapse has been treated conservatively with the help of Sponge holding forcep and mop.

Keywords :

Rectal prolapse, diet, antibiotics