Significant of Media in Education Enhancement
Author : Dr. Venkatesh Narasappa
Abstract :
In 1956, India was the site of the famous Pune Radio Farm Forum Project. The United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) sponsored ‘Pune’ Project was inspired by Canada's experience with radio farm forums in the 1940s. The Pune Project was a field experiment to evaluate the effects of radio farm forums, each consisting of several dozens of villagers who gathered weekly to listen to a half hour radio program (broadcast by AIR) and then to discuss its contents. All India Radio’s (AIR) development programming range is the use of entertainment-instruction serials. As defined previously, entertainment-instruction is the process of purposely designing and implementing a media message to both entertain and educate, in order to increase audience’s knowledge about an educational issue. The present study aims to study the significance of the media in education enhancement, the programmes carried out by the media for the providing the education to the all the sections of the society. The media have brought many programmes on education issues to solve their learning process. The study depends on both the primary and secondary source materials to examine and make conclusion of it. There are many books, article, journals and proceedings will help us to examine the role of the media.
Keywords :
Media, society, education, programmes, social, progress