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Indian Writing in English-Indian Novelist

Author : Dr. Auradkar Sarika Pradiprao

Abstract :

The journey of Indian English literature, spurred by the emergence of Indian Diaspora writers and the brilliance of literary giants like Salman Rushdie, Amitav Ghosh, Shashi Tharoor, Vikram Seth, and Amit Chaudhary, has been a transformative odyssey. This exploration spans the rich tapestry of Indian history, culture, and language and resonates on a global scale. The post-1980 era marked a literary renaissance, with Indian Diaspora writers unveiling the captivating world of Indian myths, folklore, and cultural dialogues that had thrived in villages for generations. Salman Rushdie's groundbreaking work, "Midnight's Children," heralded a new era, inspiring countless writers to embrace the genre. These literary pioneers, each with their unique narrative styles, have made an indelible impact on the literary landscape. Amitav Ghosh's historical narratives, Shashi Tharoor's satirical wit, Vikram Seth's poetic verses, and Amit Chaudhary's nuanced storytelling have captivated readers worldwide. The global acclaim garnered by Indian English novelists underscores the universal appeal of their works, often surpassing native English-language counterparts in prestigious literary awards. This recognition not only validates their literary prowess but also celebrates India's rich storytelling traditions. Indian English literature, transcending geographical boundaries, resonates with readers from diverse backgrounds. The future promises a continued flourishing of Indian literature in English, offering more captivating narratives that will enrich the global literary tapestry. The odyssey of Indian English literature stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling, cultural exchange, and the universal human experience, ensuring its place as a treasure trove of narratives for generations to come.

Keywords :

Indian novelist, English literature, English fiction