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Imprints of News Papers Freedom Movement of India

Author : Dr. Venkatesh Narasappa

Abstract :

When India was ruled by the Britishers according to their will and wish they utilised the source of energy for the development of England. In the course of time the people of India had been came into awareness about the illegitimate rule is carrying by the Britishers, utilising the energy and wealth of India for the development of British dominion in the world. Awareness arrived with the help of the newspapers which were publishing under the surveillance of the British administration, even though they have been created the awareness among the citizens of India. But during the 19th and 20th we don’t have such electronic media, only print media has provided information in and around the human race. During the time India was under the clutches of Britisher, they have looted the Indian wealth and the sovereignty of the nation. They ruled with the divide and rule policy by dividing the nation on the basis of the cast, colour and religious point of view. Such activities were assigned to the people of India by the newspapers has played important role in creating awareness among the people of this country. Newspapers play a significant role in the development communication of any country in particular, by its association with the freedom struggle as well as movements for social emancipation, reform, and amelioration. There are many newspapers came during the freedom movement of India. Thus, the people revolted against the autocratic rule of British and got the Independence on 15th August 1947.

Keywords :

Awareness, freedom movement, divide and rule, policy, struggle, movement journal and newspapers