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Impact of Empowerment of Tribal Self Help Groups in Sitheri Lamps in Dharmapuri District-A Study

Author : Dr. R Ganesan

Abstract :

Member Education and Training is one of the basic Principles of Cooperation. The member education and need based training have given to the Self Help Members by the Cooperatives to enrich their Knowledge and Skill to maintain their books of accounts and to encourage saving habits among themselves. The Self Help members in Sitheri Tribal Hills were not encouraged by the LAMP Society and didn‟t allow them to participate in the business activities to promote their financial status. The Sitheri LAMP Society started to charge more commission for sanction of Self Help Group loan from the tribal groups and it was expressed by the Sitheri Panchayat President. Since education is a major instrument for empowerment, we tried to find out to what extent the women members in the Self Help Groups are able to provide education to their Children. There are laudable welfare schemes targeting to uplift the tribal population through the LAMP Society, but the implementation of Government Welfare Schemes at the grass root level is found defective.

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