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Data-Driven Student Success: The MIS Approach in Higher Education

Author : Manoj KS Chhangani, Dharmendra K Meena and Vivek Mandot

Abstract :

Management Information Systems (MIS) play a pivotal role in higher education, serving as essential tools for data collection, organization, and analysis to inform decision-making. This paper focuses on MIS's significance in enhancing student success and retention rates within higher education institutions. By harnessing MIS, institutions can utilize data-driven insights to develop tailored strategies and interventions that maximize student achievements.
Drawing from existing literature and research, this study underscores MIS's impact on student success. Effective MIS usage allows institutions to identify at-risk students, monitor their progress, and provide personalized support when needed. MIS also streamlines administrative processes, facilitates efficient communication, and ensures easy access to academic resources, fostering an optimal learning environment.
To harness MIS's potential in higher education, the study offers implementation recommendations. These include establishing robust data infrastructure, comprehensive data governance policies, and integration of diverse data sources. Additionally, institutions should prioritize staff professional development and training to enhance data literacy and analytical skills. Collaborating with technology providers can help institutions stay current with MIS advancements and best practices.
Furthermore, the research highlights MIS as a critical component within higher education institutions, enabling evidence-based decision-making, personalized interventions, and improved student success and retention. Embracing effective MIS practices empowers institutions to fully leverage data for optimizing student outcomes and cultivating a supportive, thriving learning environment.

Keywords :

Higher education, management information systems (MIS), data-driven decision, student success