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Corruption and Aravind Adiga

Author : Dr. Rupesh Sahdeorao Wankhade

Abstract :

“Corruption” which presents the inner wheel of social reality through fictional media. This research paper has attempted a critique of his works by documenting and interpreting Aravind Adiga’s fictions which depicts the social and cultural conditions affected by the political degeneration and the corrupt practices of the politicians as well as the civilians. It also focuses on issues which make us aware that today’s oppressed are tomorrow’s oppressors. The oppressors-oppressed binary nevertheless remains functional. The image of real India as represented by the novelist can be well interpreted if the readers analyze the various major social problems raised in the novel. Adiga’s entire fiction deals with social aspects of the contemporary world. It is groundbreaking in presenting the reality of Indian society. Corruption, as an anti-social habit is one of the dominant traits of the people in Indian society from time immemorial. It has been continued to appear in myriad forms which has undermined the India’s edifice as a solid political power over many years in the past slowly but steadily. Corruption consists in misuse of power, position and credit for the sake of personal or private gain. In administration, instances of corruption are found right from the clerks to the high profile persons such as politicians, bureaucrats, police and army personal, and judiciary. All classes of Indians invariably pursue their selfish motives to amass wealth and enjoy life at the cost of public money and country’s resources. Their practices of corruption in turn ruin the nation in an immeasurable extent. They also become impediment to the development of the nation in various spheres. Though India has completed its seventy years of independence, its dream of corruption free India continues to remain only as a dream till this date. There are medicines available even for incurable diseases but corruption remains incurable since Indians lack honesty which is the only disease immediately connected to the nature profoundly recognized as a characteristic of the Indian individual. It seems that there is no medicine to cure this illness of the society.

Keywords :

Corruption, social, corrupt practices, India, binary, politician and police